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Script #1: Create a workflow with a Job with Assets

TACTIC has the ability to handle everything from highly complex workflows to simple, parallel workflows. In this trial, you will create a very simple workflow and get something done with TACTIC. The goal is to hope that you start imagining what workflows would be helpful in your organization and day to day activities.

Southpaw typically recommends our customers start with simple workflows and build out to more complex workflows over time. Of course, our Services Team is here to support all of these efforts.

Business Use Case

A corporate trainer is tasked with producing new training content for the organization. The raw source documents require formatting, editing and approval from collaborators and corporate executives.

Additionally, the newly produced content needs to be branded as per corporate guidelines and stored in the corporate document repository (can be SharePoint, Google drive, network folders, etc.).

To complete this task, the trainer will need to manage multiple files to provide the course content. These files can contain text, video, audio and images in many different file formats.

When this new course content has been approved and is ready to be published, the trainer has to get this new finalized and approved content exported (in both source and PDF formats) to the corporate repository.

In this example, the newly created and approved content is required for a corporate LMS (learning management system). The notification of the finalized content’s availability is automatically sent via email and/or posted to a corporate web portal for staff access and distribution.

NOTE: In this demo that repository will simply be TACTIC (which offers a full Digital Asset Management system). In the real world, TACTIC’s Workflow Engine is agnostic as to what the final corporate repository is and whether that repository is on premise or in the cloud).


STEP 1: Create a Workflow

From the TACTIC Project Dashboard, select the WORKFLOWS button.

In the WORKFLOWS tab, click the Uncategorized + button in the sidebar.

An Add New Workflow form will appear. Enter the name of the workflow. In this example we used ‘Corporate Training Workflow’.

Next, enter each process name in the PROCESSES field with a comma between each name then press enter OR press enter between each process name.

In this example we entered:

  • Trainer submits 1st draft
  • Reviewer returns comments
  • Trainer submits final draft

Click the ADD button at the bottom of the form.

To view the workflow you just created, navigate to the Uncategorized folder again and select the ('Corporate Training Workflow') from the left side bar. Your workflow will appear in the TACTIC workflow canvas.

STEP 2: Start a Project by Creating a JOB

Return to the DASHBOARD tab, at the top left of the screen. Click the CREATE JOB button. A New Job form will appear. Enter a brief description in the Title field. In this example we used ‘Training Content & Approval’.

Select the start and finish dates using the calendar pop up. If you do not have the start or end date, TACTIC will set arbitrary dates that can be changed later.

Fill in a description of what the Job entails in the DETAILS field if desired.

Important - Select a Workflow from the dropdown field. Note, you may need to scroll down the form depending on your screen size. Select the workflow we just created called ‘Corporate Training Workflow’. Notice the visual workflow diagram that appears below. Verify it is the desired workflow, then press CREATE NEW JOB.

The JOB tab will appear with a list of tasks.

As the administrator of this project, you can change the status of each of the tasks (each process).

In the new Job tab named JOB000xx (xx will be a number generated by TACTIC), select the first task ('Trainer submits 1st draft') and change status to Pending from the dropdown list located in the Status column. For all three tasks in this tutorial assign each process to yourself using the dropdown in the Assigned column.

Click the Save icon button, located in the middle right of screen.

Follow the steps above to review and complete remaining tasks; Reviewer returns comments & Trainer submits final draft.

STEP 3: View My Tasks and Add Assets

To view your tasks, go to the top left waffle grid and select My Tasks from the dropdown. Ensure you have selected MY OPEN TASKS on the menu bar above the task detail. Your assigned tasks will appear in the left hand pane, select the pending task.

To upload an asset to the task, click the ASSETS tab to drag and drop to the window or to upload a file(s) from your computer.

ADD FILES TO THE QUEUE, then press the UPLOAD FILES button. Then press the COMPLETE TASK button.

Once the task is completed, notice the status' in the Status Column changes. The following tasks move to Pending and Waiting. Note: you may need to reload your browser page to see the task status changes.

To view all assets associated with a task, go to JOB ASSETS on the JOB000xx tab. Note that TACTIC Administrators have the ability to set user permissions and access to certain assets.

Any assigned user to a job is able to add notes to a task. To add notes, go to the Task Detail column in the far left column, click the paper/pen icon. A pop up window will appear. Go to the JOB NOTES tab provided.

Notes can also be added within the MY TASKS view.

Follow the steps above to review and complete remaining tasks; Reviewer returns comments & Trainer submits final draft.

Congratulations! You have completed your first TACTIC Workflow Project!