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Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management refers to the storage, organization and retrieval of digital assets within a library. TACTIC contains a Digital Asset Management system which is completely available through the API. In theory, any sobject can have any number of files stored and organized within it.

With TACTIC Project, files are checked into Assets which belong to either a job or the centralized asset library. Each Job can be treated as container for a fully independent Asset Library. Assets can be versioned and organized into collections.

For each new file (not new version of a file) an asset sobject is created and a job is set as the parent of that asset.

Assets are containers for files. Although it is possible to store any number of files in an assets, most often an asset will represent only one file.

Building an app

Many web applications require the storage of files. Often this is done in an adhoc manner using some custom code. As the app development continues, more and more advanced features are added.

TACTIC provides a platform where tracking of files is simple, scalable and provides all of the features of an enterprise grade Digital Asset Management system. This includes:

  1. Strict Naming conventions
  2. Keyword extractions
  3. Versioning
  4. Automatic cleanup on exception
  5. Multiple files per asset

In addition, you can couple run workflows to assets in order to track work that is done on them. Combining digital asset management with workflows is a powerful way to track the history of an asset.


When a file is commited to TACTIC, a snapshot is created. Snapshots are defined as a view of an asset in a particular context in a given time. TACTIC uses snapshot objects to store these.

All files that are checked into TACTIC are stored in a snapshot. Subsequent check-ins into the same asset will be treated as a new version.