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We will walk you through some simple examples in Javascript and REST to retrieve a list of jobs from TACTIC server and display them in a HTML page.

We will also build a very simple React app to show how to connect to a TACTIC server and retrieve jobs and assets to display in the app.

Quick Start Tutorial

This is a quick tutorial to get you started using TACTIC Javascript library. We will retrieve a list of jbos from TACTIC server and display them in the HTML page:

Quick Start

REST Quick Start

This is similar to the previous tutorial. But we are going to use REST API directly instead of TACTIC Javascript library functions as in the previous tutorial:

REST Quick Start

React Example

React has become an extremely popular way of quickly generating interfaces. When developing an application is react, it becomes obvious that, while Reac is great for building your killer interface, you will need to eventually connect it to some kind of central backend server and database to store data and files.

Our simple React app demonstrates how to connect and authenticate to a TACTIC server. We will perform basic search operations on the server through our React app:

React App How to