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Assets can be organized in job or asset library using collections. A collection is a container which can contain a list of assets. This is a useful way of organizing assets within any TACTIC library. You can create as many collections as you wish and a collection can contain other collections. An asset can be part of many collections, so you are not restricted in how assets are organized.

Assets in a collection will inherit the keywords of the the collections it is a member of.

Managing collections

New Collections

To add a new Collection, go to the grid icon located in the horizontal menu bar near the middle right of the screen. Select the 'Create new Collection' option.

Collection Manager

A 'Create New Collection' form will appear. Fill in the Name of the new Collection and any other desired details.

Once you have pressed ADD, the new Collection will appear in the left hand sidebar within the Job Asset Library. In this example, the new Collection is called "Newspaper images".

Move assets to a new Collection

Once your Collection folder is created, you can then move selected images into the new folder.

Note: To add more assets to your job, select the up arrow icon on the horizontal sidebar near the screen right.

Organinze assets within your Job Asset Library

Note: To remove an asset from a Collection, select the minus button '-' on the far right. Note that if you select the trash icon, it will remove the asset from library entirely.

Add notes to an asset within a Collection

Go to the Switch Layout icon on the middle left of screen, then select "Table Layout" from the dropdown list. This list format allows you to enter notes and view notes.

Move approved assets to the Shared Assets library.

Once an asset is considered final and ready for publish or consumption, select the file from the library, then select the 'Push to Asset Library' button on the far left.

A 'Push Files' form will appear. From here, you can enter more keywords if desired using the Ingest Settings on the right. Press the 'COPY FILES' button.